Expert Neutral Density Kit
Expert Neutral Density Kit

Expert Neutral Density Kit

Regular price$249.99
  • Save up to $200
  • Reduces Exposure in select areas or entire frame
  • Manufactured with C39 Optical Resin
  • Includes 2 Graduated ND & 1 Full ND Filters
  • Includes Filter Holder and 4 Adapter rings

The Expert Neutral Density Kit includes:

  • Cokin Filter Holder
  • 4 Cokin Adapter rings (see specs for details)
  • Graduated ND4 Hard (2 f-stop)
  • Graduated ND8 Hard (3 f-stops)
  • Full ND4 (2 f-stops)
  • Microfiber Cleaning Cloth

Graduated Neutral Density (ND) Filters allow you to reduce the amount of light reaching the sensor on a portion of your picture. This helps control the exposure difference between Highlights and Shadows for a more balanced exposure and dramatic effect. By rotating the filter-holder and adjusting the position of the filter up and down you can precisely control where the filter has an effect on the image.

Adding a full ND filter allows you to reduce the exposure over the whole image. This helps you reduce shutter speeds to create blurred motion effects in water and clouds as an example.

Density 2-Stop Hard
3-stop Hard
2-Stop Full
Graduation Type N/A
Filter Dimensions M (P) - 84mm x 100mm x 1.6mm
L (Z) - 100mm x 150mm x 1.6mm
Note - Full stop filter is square
Filter Construction C39 Optical Resin
Includes 1 - Cokin filter holder
1 - ND4 2-Stop (153)
1 - GND 2-stop (121M)
1 - GND 3-stop Hard (121)

1 - 52mm Adaptor ring (M Series)
1 - 55mm Adaptor ring (M Series)
1 - 58mm Adaptor ring (M Series)
1 - 62mm Adaptor ring (M Series)


1 - 67mm Adaptor ring (L Series)
1 - 72mm Adaptor ring (L Series)
1 - 77mm Adaptor ring (L Series)
1 - 82mm Adaptor ring (L Series)
UPC Codes M (P) 3611531500845
L (Z) 3611531500838

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